Invitation to Explore The Arms Race Within – A Meditation

Hitler won World War II. The Trident campaign's purpose is to change ourselves—all of us—so that there will no longer be anyone to run the submarine or fire the missile.

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If The Wars Go On

Despite this fact, the U.S. and its allies blithely continue as if their control of the world order is secure. The insane are usually deluded, but when they control N-weps, people of the world need…

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The Unspeakable, The Unthinkable, and The Imperative to Increase Consciousness

Tyranny started with that idea of laying dogma on people and pulling everyone away from their own relationship to spirit. There is no greater purpose than to choose for ourselves the lens we adopt to…

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Intentional killing. Legal frameworks for State-sponsored biochemical warfare.

Public health emergencies are pretexts for power consolidation and legalized mass murder using State-sponsored biochemical warfare and weapons camouflaged as ‘vaccines,’ ‘countermeasures.’

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Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations authorized and funded coordinated USG attack using toxic biological and chemical material across state…

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The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus

Political power needs cultural power to operate effectively. Cultural messaging is where the power elite need to seduce regular people that power is being exercised for their own good and everyone is…

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Antidote to the Hubris of Greed While Living Under Domination

All of us are divine beings having the physical experience of wearing these human overcoats. Dogma has been put on everyone to take away the conscious awareness of our own divinity and put it in the…

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Four Died Trying: A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins

This profound documentary will open your eyes to the parallel spiritual paths JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, Jr. & RFK walked and the similarity of their messages on peace, justice, racism, human rights, and…

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A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns

There is an abundance of easily available evidence for all the list of Known Knowns – nothing secret – but one needs to have the will for truth and do one’s homework.

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Another Magical JFK Assassination Pseudo-Debate and Limited Hangout

The purpose of recent reports in the NYT Corp & Vanity Fair about former Secret Service agent, Paul Landis, is to encourage pseudo-debates and confusion as we approach the 60th anniversary

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22 years ago:
Graeme MacQueen on 11 Sep and Anthrax Attacks

Graeme MacQueen is the go-to author for books on the 11 Sep 2001 and Anthrax Attacks. He is posthumously featured in the new documentary Peace, War and 9/11, sharing his final words on 9/11, the 2001…

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Each of these assassinations are a false mystery. These leaders were killed by the powers-that-be because of what they were doing. They gave their lives working for a better world.

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Revoke the Papal Bulls
A View-from-the-Shore Analysis of Vatican’s 30 Mar 2023 Statement on Doctrine of Discovery

The context begins with the free existence of our Native nations and peoples, extending back to the beginning of our time through our oral histories and traditions, contrasted with the system of…

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Steven Starr: We Are Already In World War III

What I worry about is the people in the White House, Nuland, Blinken Sullivan, seemed convinced they can threaten Russia and Russia will back down [and] they can win a nuclear war with first strike.

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The Pentagon’s B-Movie – Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks; new book by Graeme MacQueen

To study the [11 Sep] day’s events as they unfolded on television is to experience in a shockingly direct way how a well-oiled propaganda system—of which television is a central component—can spin…

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Great Reset Playbook: Ukraine

12 May 2023 snapshot of ongoing critical analysis covering events in Ukraine including historical context .

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Ending the Domination System

Steven Newcomb’s view-from-the-shore perspective provides the critical understanding of the history and legacy of the domination system that must end if the human project is to successfully evolve…

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NEVER AGAIN IS NOW GLOBAL – Is History Repeating Itself?
2023 5-part Documentary

Complete annotated transcripts of this 5-part documentary—see Table of Contents—were produced to increase visibility and access to the wealth of wisdom and critical analysis presented herein.

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Katherine Watt: Construction of the kill box: legal history

In Dec'22+Jan'23, I used softening language to make horrifying info easier to emotionally process. The killing program includes religious, psychological, behavioral, biochemical, social, economic,…

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History Will Not Absolve Us
Invoke the Bond With Your Creator
and Be Liberated From the United States of Denial

Every person on Mother Earth has extraordinary gifts and powers, gifted by one’s Creator, to meet challenges confronting our species. There are no limits to what can be imagined and acted upon to…

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Latypova with Watt: SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a US DOD Military Prototype Project

A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by…

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Why The West’s Strategy in Ukraine Is So Dangerous

The trouble over Ukraine started at NATO’s Bucharest summit in April 2008, when G.W. Bush’s administration pushed the alliance to announce Ukraine and Georgia “will become members”.

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On the Edge of a Nuclear Abyss

It is very hard to accept that the leaders of your own country commit and contemplate unspeakable evil deeds and that they wish to control your mind. To contemplate that they might once again use…

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The Death of Genuine Organic Farming Enforced by the USDA

All USDA-licensed processing plants are required to treat ALL meat (even the local, grass-fed, organic variety) with synthetic preservatives.

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By using Ukraine to fight Russia, the US provoked Putin’s war

Rather than end the proxy war that it helped start in Ukraine, the US has only fueled it over the last eight years with billions in weapons, a drive to incorporate Ukraine into NATO, an expansion of…

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NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard

US Sec. of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet…

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Film: The Doctrine of Discovery
Unmasking The Domination Code

This documentary calls upon the Holy See at the Vatican to revoke the papal decrees that set into motion the Doctrine of Christian Domination, and points out that the values and teachings of Original…

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JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone

JFK Revisited emphatically shows why JFK’s assassination is crucial for understanding the United States today. For without a clear and unambiguous accounting of why he was killed and by whom (I do…

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500 Years of Injustice: The Legacy of Fifteenth Century Religious Prejudice

On spiritually significant steps toward creating a way of life that is no longer based on greed and subjugation and begins to create a lifestyle based on the first indigenous principle: "Respect the…

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Conscience and The Nuremberg Code
Informed Consent, Censorship, and Inalienable Rights

Each one of us must decide for our self how we perceive our world and what we choose to act upon, stand up for and stand with. I appreciate how Charles Eisenstein frames this: “Don’t let me or anyone…

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U.S. Terrorism 101: The Bert Sacks Story

Thus did Kate Pflaumer, in an act of conscience and upholding her legal obligation as an attorney, call the U.S a terrorist state. This probably never would have happened without the non-violent…

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The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was A Conspiracy

The facts have long been clear: President Kennedy was assassinated by the U.S. National Security State led by the CIA. What we need to do is draw the implications from that fact. They are profound.

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Technocracy Videodrome

A compilation of videos related to Neurowarfare, IoB, Synthetic Biology, Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, COGSEC, and so on

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“The World As It Was”: 1950s Seeds of Fear Sown Then, Poisoning Us Today

Illuminates a period in U.S. history that is often dismissed as the staid and boring 1950s but was in fact when the infrastructure for today’s censorship, chaos, and fear were laid.

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Legacy Media Sinking Ship Spawning New Networks

By seeding the rising new-media with establishment voices allegedly “gone rogue”, the establishment takes control of it with old media selling one “side”, and new media the other.

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Intro to the Jonestown Massacre Conspiracies of 1978

Jim Jones, Dan Mitrione, Mark Lane, Congressman Leo Ryan... Jonestown is a conspiracy that provides a roadmap of how special operations are executed.

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In Our Name: On Exercising Moral Conscience
Given US Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

Justification for the latest unconscionable Jaws-of-Hell-Weapons-to-Ukraine decision by exec branch, military, intel-media, congress, academia, think-tank talking head “experts” is 1 more cravenly…

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A Most Evil Weapon; A Most Heinous Crime

US is sending cluster munitions to Ukraine. It will be the most evil and heinous crime and is an act of people who have no care or concern for the lives and welfare of others.

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Conflicting Perspectives Regarding Sacred and Significant Places of Original Nations and Traditional Healers

Our species must "transition to decision-making based on the Natural Laws of Creation that sustain all Life, which are the basis for our ceremonies."

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58 min transcript: JRE w/RFK on Vaccines + Childhood Injuries + Diseases 6-15-23

It’s not just the vaccines, and I have never said that.  Our children are swimming in a toxic soup.... most of it started in 1989. There’s a finite # of culprits you can point to—it has to come from…

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3 May 2023 – David Martin to EU Parliament: History of Bioweapons, 1965-2023

Dr David Martin’s May 2023 testimony covers bioweapons experiments history using coronaviruses going back to 1965 and how COVID is latest episode in the long, premeditated march towards the lockdowns…

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Vera Sharav’s Aug 2022 Historic Nuremberg Speech, Illustrated and Never Again IS NOW GLOBAL

A global holocaust is occurring from the experimental injections of demonstration US DOD Countermeasures being perpetrated and perpetuated by government decrees, mandates and relentless corporate…

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PHINANCE TECHNOLOGIES: quantifying 300,000 deaths from C19 injections, $147bn damage to economy in just 2022 alone

Estd 2022 US Vaccine Damage Rprt -- Estd Human Cost: 26.6m Injuries, 1.36m Disabilities, 300k excess deaths; Estd Econ Cost: $147.8bn - Injuries: $89.9bn, Disabilities: $52.2bn, Excess Deaths: $5.6bn

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Ivan Illich: MEDICAL NEMESIS – The Expropriation of Health

Medical nemesis is the experience of people who are largely deprived of any autonomous ability to cope with nature, neighbors, and dreams, and who are technically maintained within environmental,…

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The Open Assassination of Fred Hampton

Targeted assassination—foreign and domestic—as a methodology, is nothing new for the U.S. However, the Fred Hampton case is unique for the incredibly egregious and blatant nature of the murder, the…

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Steven Newcomb:
Confronting the System of Christian Domination

We cannot as Original Nations and Peoples be on the ship coming toward our own ancestors in the way that history is taught. We have to understand ourselves as being on the shore looking out at that…

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State Censorship & Gagged Thought – Once Unthinkable, Now Run-Of-The-Mill

Censorship through collusion between the federal gummint & big tech is the gravest assault—think “HATE CRIME”—mounted against the US Constitution in this corporate empire state’s history.

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Deaths from C19 Vaccines

This is a copy as of 7 April 2023 of  Appendix I, Deaths from C19 Vaccines in History Will Not Absolve Us - Be Liberated From The United States of Denial.

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C19 Vaccine Deaths: Analysis & Reports

This is a copy as of 25 April 2023 of  Appendix IV in History Will Not Absolve Us - Be Liberated From The United States of Denial.  Always reference the above link to see the current source list.

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C19 Vaccine Injuries: Analysis & Reports

This is a copy as of 15 April 2023 of  Appendix V in History Will Not Absolve Us - Be Liberated From The United States of Denial.  Always reference the above link to see the current source list.

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Do No Harm

"All these government officials in CDC and FDA and NIH, they all know how many people have died. They have great data to follow it. They’ve known it since day one. They’re under no confusion. The…

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Forest of the Fallen

The Forest displays the public domain stories of cv19 “vaccinated” people. As they are all vaccinated, it is literally, actually a completely vaccinated display, and should NEVER be referred to as an…

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Katherine Watt: Orientation for new readers

I do legal research & writing to support civil and criminal cases brought in US courts, and to educate and mobilize more people to exert social and political pressure on federal and state…

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At least 6 Congressionally-authorized statutory frameworks & related budget appropriations, appear to have authorized & funded noncompliant biological material (bioagents) distributed across state…

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The Dawn of Everything, A New History of Humanity

The story of a “necessary” human evolution from “barbaric tribes” to “civilized states” was produced by European writers to rationalize the great differences between their societies and the societies…

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A single high-altitude nuclear detonation will create a massive Electromagnetic Pulse that will bring down most or all of the US national electric grid.

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Subverting Medicine:
The Role of the Federation of State Medical Boards

Where does the FSMB derive its authority to regulate U.S. medical boards and, through its apparent international partner, the IAMRA, direct medical councils around the world to discipline doctors?

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Chilling Pandemic Data from the Insurance Industry

Publicly reported death rates demonstrates trends and the significant impacts of COVID-19 reflected in “huge” and unprecedented death rate increases among working-age people in the U.S.

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Open Letter to Oliver Stone On the Wisdom of Pursuing Nuclear Power

Oliver Stone is finishing a new documentary advocating nuclear power. This Open Letter evaluates some of the risks & consequences of pursuing nuclear power as our species' primary energy source.

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Penultimate Expression of Human Folly
and The Final Failure

As of 2022, TEPCO is preparing for one of The Final Failures of this catastrophe without end. Dumping continually increasing levels of water containing a cocktail of radioactive poisons into the…

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Partners in Survival: Reviving the “McCloy-Zorin Agreement”

For the people of the United States to accept a world order without a hegemon means that the people of the United States would abandon the notion of “American exceptionalism”. But it is precisely an…

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Jan 2022: Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

We have been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race.  All major mass media and the social media technology companies…

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President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination

To understand why and by whom he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, one needs to apprehend this pressure and the reasons why President Kennedy consistently resisted it, as well as the…

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U.S. wargames in Nordic region aimed at Moscow

The US & NATO are rapidly developing a military encirclement of Russia with heavy emphasis on the Nordic region - the High North. It is a Cuban-missile crisis in reverse. Few in the west know…

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Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty on The Pentagon Papers

“In this book, I have used various editions of the Pentagon Papers as reference material. They are useful and they are quite accurate as far as individual documents go, but they are dangerous in the…

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Edward Curtin: An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies

In putting together this selection of essays, I was reminded of what Albert Camus once wrote: “A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three…

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Doug Valentine’s MKULTRA Files Retrieved via FOIA

Archive of Doug Valentine's files on MKULTRA that he pried loose from the CIA

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Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy -1977

Imagine that like some kind of science fiction dictator you intended to rule the world. You would probably have pinned over your desk a list something like this

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The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination

Robert Kennedy, like his brother John, was a great danger to those virulent forces of war and oppression within his own government, and he died opposing them as a true patriot. To honor him, we are…

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Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One

Vaccines are an empire and now they really want to do a vaccine globally. Do you know what kind of a market that is? More than 7 billion people for a vaccine. Can you even count the kind of profits…

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My Earth Journey – A message for International Day for Biological Diversity, 22 May 2020

There is now an attempt to mine and pirate the data from our bodies and minds, without our permission and consent. Our humanity and autonomy are being stolen. We are being reduced to “users” of the…

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Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

DARPA’s transhumanist vision for the military and humanity presents an unprecedented existential threat to human existence and the building blocks of biology itself.

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USA Plan: Militarized Control of Population. The “National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan”

The Rockefeller Foundation and its financial partners will help create a network for the provision of credit guarantees and contracts with large drug manufactures and medical equipment.

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Leaked: “Deadly” Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19: How the World’s Top Medical Journals, The Lancet and NEJM, Were Cynically Exploited by Big Pharma

The scientific process of building a trustworthy knowledge base is a foundation of our civilization. Its violation is a crime against truth and humanity. Evidently US media doesn't consider this…

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Lancet Editor Spills the Beans and Britain’s PM Surrenders to the Gates Vaccine Cartel

Dr. Douste-Blazy started a petition that has been signed by almost 500,000 French doctors and citizens urging French government officials to permit physicians to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to treat…

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

There is no more powerful position than being a health official because you can literally dictate. At this point, Tony Fauci has powers that no American president has ever had.

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The Zyprexa Papers: Big Pharma Meets Big Diagnosis, Big Courts, and Big Psychiatric Hospitals

This book chronicles the battles on behalf of Bill Bigley, the psychiatric patient whose ordeal by Eli Lilly's product made possible the exposure of the Zyprexa Papers

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Moral Courage and Our Common Future—A Foreword to Plague of Corruption

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. The quality of her work and her reliable flashes of genius soon propelled her to the apex of the…

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Operation Openscript – Opening the Dialogue for Oversight on Bioethics and Bioterrorism

Watchdog on Biodefense, bioterrorism, bioethics, genetic engineering and biotechnology, science, and medical malfeaseance. The Story of Dirty Profit, Inhumane Weapons Development, Science & Medical…

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Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times

Hitler was strongly influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution and by Americans who were promoting eugenics. He closely followed the teachings of university professors in the United States who were…

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Eugenics in the United States Today: Are We on the Same Path Nazi Germany Followed?

This is the first part of a two part series exploring the relationship between the controversial eugenics movement of the past and modern genetics.

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The haunted house of eugenics – An interview with Edwin Black

Rockefeller spent a great deal of money financing Nazi scientists and eugenic institutions in Germany, among them Otmar Freiherr von Vershuer. Vershuer sent his assistant, whose name was Joseph…

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This Civilization Is Finished – Conversations on the end of Empire—and what lies beyond

3 broad possible futures: This civilisation could collapse utterly and terminally OR This civilisation (we) will manage to seed a future successor-civilisation(s) OR This civilisation will somehow…

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World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity 1992 and 2017 and beyond …

1992: “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment.”

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Between the Devil and the Green New Deal

A revolution that had as its aim the flourishing of all human life would certainly mean immediate decarbonization, a rapid decrease in energy use for those in the industrialized global north, no more…

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“We Charge Genocide” The 1951 Black Lives Matter Campaign

Almost seventy years ago, the Civil Rights Congress (affiliated with the Communist Party) engaged in a campaign to hold the United States accountable for genocide against African Americans. Detailed…

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Considering Systemic Collapse and Our Profound Dependence on Electricity

The world we have fashioned in this dimension—with its extremely tight coupling between a.) the amount of electricity we use-and-need to run this increasingly overloaded “growth” world and b.) the…

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Anatomy of an AI system: The Amazon Echo As An Anatomical Map Of Human Labor, Data and Planetary Resources

This unusually sophisticated critical analysis assesses a portion of the immensity required to produce and run our Electric Civilization era.

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International Organization for Self-Determination and Equality Resources

IOSDE offers both confidential and public assistance to peoples, communities or persons experiencing violations of their rights to self-determination and/or equality and advocates for genuine…

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Dylan Recognizes Another “Hit” When He Sees One:
Murder Most Foul, Then And Now

Dylan describes the Kennedy assassination as “the greatest magic trick ever under the sun/Perfectly executed, skillfully done.” What trick is playing out all around us as you read this? And would we…

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Mapping and quantifying political information warfare—Pt 1 : Propaganda, domination & attacks on online media

In society is the fundamental battle is over the minds of people. The way people think determines the fate of norms and values on which societies are constructed.

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Why Does Chris Hedges Hedge His Bets?

The following excerpt explores the question of how a contributing member of the New York Times staff that received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting and a vaunted journalist, writer,…

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Oliver Stone on JFK and the Unspeakable, Russian Edition

JFK and the Unspeakable ... shows us just how much Kennedy achieved in his abbreviated presidency. And by doing that, the book reminds us of just what is possible in the realm of politics when a…

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Trump and the Asia-Pacific: The Persistence of American Unilateralism

The alarming competition for military edge in the Asia-Pacific has become even more so under Trump owing to three developments from the US side: the deployment to South Korea of an anti-missile…

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Why do we burn coal and trees to make solar panels?

Media and journal claims that solar photovoltaic (PV) power systems can somehow “replace fossil fuels” have not addressed the “non-renewable reality” of all the global manufacturing supply chains…

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‘Time is Running Out,’ American Petroleum Institute Chief Said in 1965 Speech on Climate Change

The warning is clear and dire—and the source unexpected. “This report unquestionably will fan emotions, raise fears, and bring demand for action,” the president of the American Petroleum Institute…

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Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward…

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Chernobyl: Understanding Consequences of Playing With The Poison Fire

“It is correct to say that a single event—the Chernobyl accident—has caused between 600,000 and a million cases of cancer and leukemia. The radio-cesiums are on the ground, and humans are…

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Advocacy for Humanity and Citizen’s Diplomacy: Global Network Russia Study Tour Declaration

The astronomical disparity between U.S. and Russian military priorities—comparatively, Russia currently spends seven-point-five percent of what constitutes our total U.S. military budget—needs to be…

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JFK: A President Betrayed

One of the main attributes of the film is that it uses some credible, and new, sources as interview subjects. And it bypasses the accepted mainstream historians who have, in reality, done little real…

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“… not merely peace for Americans…” Banning Nuclear Weapons and Retrieving the Legacy of President Kennedy’s Last Year

The murder of President Kennedy terminated the process of peace building with the so-called enemy because we, ordinary citizens, were not sufficiently aware and not sufficiently organized to demand…

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Taxation With Representation

It is time we represent ourselves, and decide how to spend “our money”. Direct allocation of taxes will be a major first step in creating a real democracy here, because one function will be to fund…

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BREAKDOWN = Strange Fruit of Capitalism’s Invisible Army: A Heritage of Stone ++ BREAKTHRU = Shifting from Domination to Partnership via eXtinction Rebellion

We must rebel against willful U.S. criminal inaction on our ecological crisis threatening All Life on Earth. To change course away from mass extinction we can accelerate the shift from domination to…

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Are You Scared Yet? The War Without an Enemy – Terrorism and the Strategy of Tension

William S. Burroughs said, that paranoia is having all the facts. My purpose isn’t to make other people paranoid. My purpose is to hopefully enlighten people about what’s happening around them and…

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History Will Not Absolve Us – Orwellian control, public denial,and the murder of President Kennedy

To know the truth — as opposed to only believe the truth — is to face an awful terror and to be no longer able to evade responsibility. It is precisely in moving from belief to knowledge that the…

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Jim Garrison: A Heritage of Stone

Since the end of World War II the United States has spent a thousand billion dollars—one trillion dollars—furnished by the American people, who have been colonized by these men and their hunger for…

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John Judge 1991 to 2014 Video Archive Listing

Privilege is the first and most basic violence asserted in a society. It kills the human spirit. It creates the rage that leads to all the other violence, historically. So if you end that privilege,…

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Toward a Paradigm Change for Mother Earth – Understanding the Empire Domination Model of Christianity: A Way of Liberation

Working on climate change without working on Paradigm Change would be a grave mistake. We need a mental and behavioral shift away from the prevailing paradigm of domination, dehumanization, and…

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Sir! No Sir! The G.I. Revolt

In the 1960’s an anti-war movement INSIDE THE MILITARY emerged that altered the course of history. Yet today few people know about the GI movement against the war in Vietnam.

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Losing Earth? Realign with Original Free Peoples’ Great Law and Find Her Again

An analysis of the steadfast denial of the actual foundations and development of U.S. society and culture is explored here with regard to the catastrophic, accelerating changes to Earth’s climate…

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On War and Its Human Costs to Veterans: C.H.O.I.C.E.S.

“Suicides are still a major problem during and after wars. There were 150,000 suicides—three times as many as the combat deaths in Vietnam—in the first six years. Afterwards they cut off the…

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Gaeton Fonzi: Who Killed JFK?

There Were Two Conspiracies in the Kennedy Assassination: The First Was to Murder the President. The Second Was to Pretend There Was a Full and Complete Investigation.

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The Occupation of the American Mind – Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States

“Government officials and mainstream media elites are denying the U.S. American people the basic information they need to make sense of one of the most consequential conflicts in the world.”…

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Gaeton Fonzi: Supremely Gifted Investigator, Journalist, Author

“Gaeton was fearless, a warrior whose only weapons were eloquent words based on intensive, unbiased research.” —Marie Fonzi

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Oren Lyons: On The Indigenous View of the World

“We always said that we have been told and understand that we’re relatives. Where our white brother will talk about water and trees and animals and fish as resources we talk about them as relatives.…

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Amazon and the CIA: Corporate State Interlock – What is Our Responsibility as Human Beings?

Unprecedented Conflict of Interest: Amazon CEO Bezos owns the Washington Post and serves US Intelligence Community + both excel at collecting global data and keeping secrets = merging corporate-state…

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US Settler Colonialism and Its Inseparable Offspring, Attempted Genocide

The United States is a thoroughly militarized culture, all the more dangerous because we don’t know it.

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Real Democracy in the Belly of the Beast

In order to have real democracy, economic justice, peace and a unified society, we have to both envision our own liberation in our time and take back our history, power and moral integrity

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50 Reasons – Postscript 1968

Black Op Radio continues to investigate the 1960s political assassinations in America on the occasion of their 50th anniversary.

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The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction – Artificial Intelligence

The global danger inherent in nuclear weapons has increased exponentially with the advent of computers and more recently of AI – artificial intelligence

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The Truth of The Children of Vietnam: A Way of Liberation

How Will We Challenge Militarism, Racism, and Extreme Materialism?

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the heart of the matter: Why President Kennedy Was Assassinated

A president was murdered by our own government agencies because he was seeking a more stable peace than relying on nuclear weapons.

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Michael Hudson on Junk Economics and Debt Cancellation

How a society defines economic terms and relationships will determine who controls it.

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COLD WAR: THE NEXT GENERATION – Antidote to Endless War Spawned by September 11: the Full Exercise of Our Imagination and Intelligence

An invitation to explore the unknown possibilities of existence through the process of exercising our imagination and intelligence to visualize what an actual democracy would look like today

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June 10, 2017: 54 Years Ago Today A President Called for the End of the Cold War

The key to peace-making is recognizing the humanity of the enemy.

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Judge For Yourself – Researcher John Judge’s Book Is Now Available

An unparalleled historian of the US National Security State, Judge was an exemplar earthling, his loyalty to the human race.

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False Mystery 2017 Digital Edition Release

Historical truth is the polestar which guides humankind when we grope for direction to help guide us through the thick morass of current crises.

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John Judge, Leading Change: A Transformational, Quiet Servant Leader

I found these assassinations to be Rosetta stones whose close inspection and study revealed the whole and made history comprehensible instead of confusing and disempowering.

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Shafts Of Light Cutting Into the Darkness: The Montreal Declaration & UN Resolution L.41

World Mobilization: eliminate nuclear weapons, phase out nuclear reactors ending mass-production of high-level nuclear wastes, and halt all uranium mining worldwide.

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Don’t Hope For Obama Or Fear Of Trump–Snowden On US Elections And Surveillance

We can not hope for an Obama and we can not fear a Donald Trump, rather we should build it ourselves.

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Randy Benson’s film The Searchers Sees Through the Eyes of JFK Researchers

Its so limiting to say the CIA killed JFK; the CIA-did-it is just another level of the onion peeling, which all goes back to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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53 Years Ago – Review of JFK and the Unspeakable using The Karma of Untruthfulness

Kennedy’s turn towards peace and disarmament, after the near holocaust of the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 16 to 28 1962, led to his assassination.

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Jeannette Armstrong – Indigenous Economics: A Syilx Perspective

We are now in deep, deep, deep debt. It has been but a few thousand years, this idea of civilization.

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Mind Control, Psychological Operations, Propaganda, and Disinformation

it is possible to speak through media directly into people’s heads and then, like some otherworldly magician, leave images inside that can cause people to do what they might otherwise never have…

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John Trudell: What It Means To Be A Human Being

Activate and respect our intelligence and activate the thinking process so that it’s going the way we want it to be because that’s why it was given to us

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Atomic Energy: Consequences of Creating Nuclear Weapons & Power

man-made radioactive matter lasts far longer than proto humans first appearance on Earth

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Israeli Influence on U.S. Foreign Policy

Dick Cheney and his minions have brought the art of lying to a new level. Inevitably, the Jewish Lobby in America, AIPAC in particular has got to be there [calling for war in Iraq].

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Palestine Is Still The Issue

Social justice, more than anything else, is a struggle against double talk, against hypocrisy, against exceptionalism, against deception.

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Panama Papers – Intelligence Agencies and Iran-Contra Players

The scale of this information leak is unprecedented: 2.6 terrabytes of data, 11.5 million documents, 214,000 letterbox companies.

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American Nuremberg: Holding the U.S. Accountable For Its Actions

To this day, the people of the United States have never had a full accounting of all that has been done in our name as part of an apparently endless war on terror.

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Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1967 Anti-War Speech & Today

True compassion comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.

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Nuclear War – An Unrecognized Mass Extinction Event Waiting To Happen

Any nuclear war will be a mass extinction event that ENDS human history.

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The History of United States Settler Colonialism

Colonization, Dispossession, Genocide Forms the Core of US History, the Very Source of the Country’s Existence

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What Was The Phoenix Program?

Phoenix was the silver lining in the Vietnam debacle, fulfilling its destiny in the wake of 9/11 to become the template for policing the empire and fighting its eternal War on Terror

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Army Feared King

1993 investigation of a level of institutional racism that directed multi-generational decision-making by authorities in U.S. Army Intelligence

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Who Killed RFK?

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan: trained by coercive persuasion techniques to serve as distractor at RFK’s assassination

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Peter Dale Scott Examines the Deep State

Continuity of Government plans began in the 1982 Doomsday Project composed of public & private figures including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

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Who Killed Malcolm X?

Roland Shepherd is one of the few people still living who personally witnessed the assassination of Malcolm X in the Audubon Ballroom

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58 Admitted False Flag Attacks

search: "Operation Northwoords" "Operation Gladio" "TPAJAX" "Gulf of Tonkin" "strategy of tension"

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Eisenhower’s Warning: “A Permanent Armaments Industry Of Vast Proportions”

1946: Eisenhower insisted scientists be given greatest possible freedom to conduct research under conditions increasingly framed by “fundamental problems” of the military

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