quantifying 300,000 deaths from C19 injections
+ $147bn damage to economy in just 2022 alone

On 29 Mar 2023, Michael Nevradakis published an article on Children’s Health Defense, summarizing the work of former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd, Yuri Nunes, Ph.D. (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Centre for Physics and Technology Research), and Carlos Alegria, Ph.D. (two PhDs: Physics (in Optoelectronics) and Finance specializing in Risk Management and development of trading systems), in their new endeavor, PHINANCE TECHNOLOGIES:

Groundbreaking Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths, $147 Billion in Damage to Economy in 2022 Alone
In the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million people, caused more than 300,000 excess deaths and cost the economy an estimated $147 billion in damage — in 2022 alone — according to a new analysis by Humanity Projects, a wing of Portugal-based research firm Phinance Technologies.

The summary opens with:

In the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million people, caused more than 300,000 excess deaths and cost the economy an estimated $147 billion in damage — in 2022 alone — according to a new analysis by Humanity Projects, a wing of Portugal-based research firm Phinance Technologies.

The researchers behind “The Vaccine Damage Project,” released this month, said they sought to “estimate the human cost,” including “deaths caused or hastened by the vaccines,” as well as “the impact on the overall economy of each aspect of the vaccine damage.”…

Dowd, who came out as a whistleblower against the COVID-19 shots and Big Pharma corruption, is the author of ‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.


PHINANCE TECHNOLOGIES describes it’s purpose as: “we do data-drive research to build knowledge for top-level decision making”. MISSION: “Our passion is to add value by building knowledge using data driven research processes. With knowledge, informed decisions can be made with the possible risks and rewards emerging organically from the process. To build knowledge we ask the right questions and then find out the answers through our data-driven information gathering processes. The process is iterative as the research process typically runs through several feedback loops to increase refinement of our final knowledge.”

From the About page:

Yuri Nunes, PhD

Most of our real-life decisions are based on information we receive every day. We all know that the information that comes to us has bias, due to the particular agendas held by mainstream media, governments and big companies. We can try to compensate for this bias in making our decisions. The problem comes when we have bad information and even misinformation, which is disseminated as being “based on science”. This information must be scrutinised, publicly debated, and corrected.

I am a physics engineer with a PhD in Physics and an MSc in Mathematics. For the last three decades I have worked as a researcher, applying scientific methods to solve complex problems in several areas (defence, space, finance, …). I decided to participate in this project because publicly-available information should be fair, free from bias, and analysed by an impartial person with qualifications and experience.

YN at ResearchGate; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | NOVA · Centre for Physics and Technology Research (CEFITEC)

Carlos Alegria, PhD

Back in 2008 while still working at a London-based hedge fund, and at the onset of the 2008 US housing crisis, which was the biggest crisis since the 1930s great depression, almost no-one “saw” it coming. I realised that in a world awash with data and information, we are actually LESS informed regarding what decisions to make.

With more and more data and information being splashed by our media devices the more important becomes answering the question: How do we separate information (signal) from noise? Our passion is to fill this gap.

Apart from developing critical research skills over years of doing multi-disciplinary research, we also believe that providing independent and un-biased research is key to support decision making processes at the highest levels of organisations.

The world seems to have gone crazy since 2020. After 2 weeks to “flatten the Covid-19 pandemic curve” I came to the realisation that we were living in a historic period. Generalised fear allowed the rise of authoritarianism and the suppression of independent ideas and critical debate. I realised that at the core of the problem was information asymmetry between authorities and individuals. The answer to such problem is obvious: more transparency and for this reason I decided to give my time and energy to this project.

I hold two PhDs, one in Physics (in Optoelectronics) and a second one in Finance. In the financial field, I’m called “a quant” and I specialised in Risk Management and the development of trading systems. I have special skills in analysing data and solving complex problems that allow me to investigate reality.

CA: Economic Cycles, Debt and Demographics – The Underlying Macroeconomic Forces that will Shape the Coming Decades, Second Edition, Independently published, 11 Sep 2021; Phinance Technologies Resources by Carlos Alegria.

Edward Dowd

We live in interesting times to say the least. Did you ever imagine that censorship and sudden death would be normalized or that critical thinking and asking questions would be labeled as “conspiracy theories?” I have been here before in my career as an equity research analyst and portfolio manager where my contrarian notions about dotcom and housing fraud were called crazy at the time. I live in the world between perception and reality and being early to identify trends and make my clients money. This current environment is the biggest information asymmetry of my career and unfortunately our institutions have been captured. The answer to this dilemma is transparency and being the watchdog of the watchdogs and this is the reason I have decided to participate in this project.

I am a current Wall Street careerist with experience in both credit and equity markets. I hold both a Bachelors and an MBA degree in Finance. Most importantly my experience and wisdom has given me a good nose for fraud and equivocation.

ED: “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022; X; LinkedIn.


The current outline (as of Sep 2023):


Posts on linkedin (originals referenced via “li”)


THE HUMANITY PROJECTS focus encompasses a major area of vital analysis to understand the scope of what has occurred over the past three years and what intelligent, well-conceived responses must include.

There are three components of the Vaccine Damage Project. The Overview presents the scope of this specific undertaking:

Motivation for the project

The SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak and the political and societal process that started unfolding in its wake will be looked at in retrospect as one of the most important moments in modern history. The waves of fear that the invisible threat posed to each and every individual united them in the acceptance of a solution to the problem. The monolithic solution that corporate, regulatory and societal leaders came up with was a novel inoculation technology using mRNA to instruct our body cells to produce a particular section of the virus (spike protein) that the body could build defences against. This technology was previously forbidden to be used in human subjects in several international bio-ethics treaties.

Some decisions in human history are more impactful than others. The decision to accept a novel type of vaccine and roll it out to mass populations in such a short timescale, is probably the one of the most important of the current century. The fear in the population and the hope of a universal solution led populations to accept the novel “vaccines” and then to accept the new technology as a platform for many other products. Pandora’s box was open and it is an obvious boon to the pharmaceutical industry. It was done with consent and even encouragement from the gatekeepers (governments, regulators, academia) and allied with a media campaign that reminded us of wartime.

Decisions of this importance must come with equivalent levels of transparency and scrutiny so that different viewpoints are brought forward and public debate can ensue. This is not only the basis of democracy, but we believe the basis of the best possible decision-making process, which usually leads to the best outcomes.

Organisation of the project

The different tasks for the project are illustrated in the figure below.project_layout_org

The project comprises of the following steps:

Step 1. Estimate the human cost.

This includes deaths caused or hastened by the vaccines, which will be shown using our methodology for estimating excess deaths, as well as increases in disability rate, and other vaccine injuries. We will need to consider carefully the impact of the vaccine rollout alongside other factors such as lockdown and Long-Covid, by looking at both the timing and magnitude of any increases in disabilities and deaths.

Step 2. Estimate economic impact.

Once the human impact is properly measured, we will have the knowledge to estimate the economic impact. Each aspect of the vaccine damage investigation will have economic agents that will benefit and others that will suffer. For instance, it seems obvious that mortuary companies would benefit from excess mortality and life insurers will be harmed. This will lead to a reallocation of resources and re-pricing of risk by the different economic agents.

A broader approach is to estimate the impact on the overall economy of each aspect of the vaccine damage. A drop in the number of working age individuals would lead to a drop in GDP. We believe this impact is negligible for now. A greater impact will likely arise from an increase in disabilities in the labour force in the medium to long term.


THE IMPACT from the mass Covid-19 inoculations on individuals at a population level is examined in Estimating the Human Cost:

V-Damage Project – Estimating the Human Cost.

The V-Damage Project is a study of the direct impact from the mass Covid-19 inoculations on individuals at a population level. In particular, we look at the employed population, aged 16 to 64. The impact of the inoculations was categorised into four broad groups differentiated by the severity of outcome. Of the inoculated individuals, a large group will likely experience no adverse effects, another large group will experience mild or moderate adverse effects, which could be temporary in nature or have long-term, even permanent manifestations.
Another group of individuals could experience severe outcomes leading to a disability as well as the most extreme outcome of death. Summarising, the different possible outcomes for individuals who took the inoculations are:

1 – No effect or asymptomatic.
2 – Mild to moderate outcome including a temporary or short-term, long-term, or even permanent injury;
3 – Severe outcome that leads to a disability;
4 – Extreme outcome leading to death.

The figure below illustrates the different groups of outcomes from the mass vaccinations. While these groupings characterise different levels of damage from the inoculations, they are not static and could interact with each other. For instance, there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted from the inoculations and could therefore be represented in the sub-group of injured individuals. In a similar way, individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death. The likely path of outcomes would be from injury to disability to death. We need to consider, however, that to a lesser extent there could be individuals who suffer extreme outcomes when they had previously only experienced mild injuries until then. We can relate this with the anecdotes of otherwise healthy athletes suffering heart attacks during sports competitions at an alarming rate since the 2021 inoculations.project_HumanCost_org

1 – No effect or asymptomatic.
This group of individuals comprises those individuals who did not experience adverse events following the Covid-19 inoculations.
Although this group of individuals is most likely the largest, however, we cannot know for certain as to the proportion of the whole population that this group of individuals represents. We assume that these individuals are all those that are not included into the other three groups.
Because the number of individuals are likely in group two (injured) represent and estimated 18% of the population (see below), group one would amount to about 82% of the population.

2 – Mild to moderate injury outcome.
Individuals in this group are those who experienced mild to moderate adverse effects after vaccination.
These adverse events could be the early sign of an injury that is temporary, long-term, or permanent in nature. Under this definition we investigated the excess rate of related adverse events in vaccinated individuals (23.90%) compared to the placebo baseline (5.98%) in the Pfizer clinical trial (reviewed here) . This is a first-order approximation for the affected population. As for the difference relative to the placebo rate, we obtain (23.90% – 5.98% = 17.92%).
The rate of adverse events in the clinical trial is corroborated by the analysis of the V-Safe database where the rate of individuals who were not able to work (but not hospitalised) after vaccination was about 29.47%. This rates includes the placebo baseline, which is unknown for the population sample of V-Safe users. They are similar to the rate of vaccine-related adverse events from the Pfizer trial.
Taking all this evidence into consideration, we make the assumption that the pool of potentially vaccine-injured individuals is about 18% of the population, which is, the rate of related adverse events reported in the Pfizer clinical trial (minus the baseline rate).
These injuries will likely manifest a loss of productivity since, as these individuals are likely to have higher absentee rates and, consequently,higher lost worktime rates, than the pre-2019 baseline. In fact, we performed an analysis of absence rates and lost worktime rates in full time workers (using data provided by the BLS). We observed a large increase in absence rates starting in 2020, but accelerating in 2022. Absence rates in 2022 were about 28.6% higher than in 2019, representing a 11 standard deviation variation.

3 – Severe outcome: disabilities.
These individuals are easier to characterise accurately as they are associated with severe effects after vaccination, such as being disabled.
Using this definition, we investigated the rise in disabilities that has occurred since the start of the vaccine rollout program, in Parts 1 to 4 of our US disabilities project.
We also investigated the excess rate of Serious and Severe Adverse Events in vaccinated individuals compared to the placebo baseline in the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials (here), and the Severe Adverse Events in the Pfizer trial. This was then compared with the rise in disabilities at the population level (Part 5 and Part 6).
Furthermore, the rate of hospitalisation with five or more days of lost work derived from the V-Safe database, corroborates at a population level our computations of time-series of Serious and Severe Adverse Events.

4 – Death – Extreme outcome.
This group of individuals died as a consequence of vaccination. We compute excess mortality estimates using our method 2C, as described in our methodology report (here), providing an estimate of the extent of the Covid-19 pandemic’s damage.
At the population level, deaths caused by Covid-19 vaccinations and other causes of death are not easily distinguished. For example, in older individuals, excess mortality could be driven substantially by Covid-19, while in younger individuals the increase in fentanyl overdoses or other causes could play a role.
Starting in the summer of 2021, however, with the introduction of mass vaccinations, the rise in natural immunity by exposure to the virus, and the emergence of milder and more contagious virus strains such as Omicron, it is difficult to argue if Covid-19 had a significant role in excess mortality. Therefore, we can use the total excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 as an estimate for vaccine-related deaths, or at least an estimated upper limit for the vaccine damage. We compute excess mortality estimates using our method 2C, as described in our methodology report (here).
The analysis of excess mortality for 2020, 2021 and 2022 can be visualised in the interactive charts (here).


We summarised the human cost of the Covid-19 inoculations by identifying three broad groups of people who suffered varying levels of damage. We estimated the pool of individuals within the population who belong to each of these vaccine-damaged groups, using the US population as an example.
We investigated the human cost in relatively young and healthy age groups as these are the most representative for the productive population (workforce). For absences, we estimated the injured pool of individuals by using the full time workers aged 25-54, while for disabilities we use the employed workers aged 16-64 and for excess deaths we use the population aged 25-64.
Our results are summarised below:

Group 4: The most extreme damage (death).

  • Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the population aged 25-64 for 2021 and 2022 combined (upper limit).
  • This represents about 23% excess mortality for 2021 and 2022, relative to the expected baseline.
  • In absolute numbers, this represents about 310,000 excess deaths.

Group 3: With severe damage (disabilities).

  • The rise in disabilities in the Civilian Labor Force population since the start of 2021 was about 0.93%, corresponding to a 24.6% rise.
  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 1.36 million individuals aged 16-64 that are actively engaged in the labour market, became disabled.

Group 2: With mild to moderate damage (injuries).

  • About 18% of the Employed Labor Force aged 16-64 is estimated to have suffered injuries due to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout program that started in 2021.
  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 26.6 million individuals have been injured by the inoculations.
  • This corresponded to a 28.6% rise in absence rates in 2022 relative to 2019, and a 50% rise in lost worktime rates.


THE ECONOMIC ESTIMATE for the impact from the mass Covid-19 inoculations on the workforce is examined in Estimating the economic impact:

V-Damage project – Estimating the economic impact.

This part of the V-damage project estimates the direct economic cost from the mass Covid-19 inoculations on individuals. For this purpose, we use the numbers that were outlined in the human cost section and then compute only the direct amount of wages and salaries that were lost due to injuries (chronically sick), disabilities and excess deaths.

In simple terms, our approach to estimate the economic cost in 2022, is to multiply the total of salaries and wages in US population by the estimated excess deaths (for example) in 2022. We therefore obtain the yearly estimate of “lost productivity” due to excess mortality. We perform the same calculations for disabilities and lost worktime.

The total dollar amount for employees’ wages and salaries can be viewed in the following data series at the St. Louis Fed FRED:

Series A4102C1Q027SBEA: Gross domestic income: Compensation of employees, paid: Wages and salaries, which has quarterly values (annualised). We can observe that the latest values for 2022 are:

– Q1-2022 was $10.939 Tn
– Q2-2022 was $11.071 Tn
– Q3-2022 was $11.374 Tn
– Q4-2022 was $11.566 Tn
– 2022 average was $11.238 Tn

Estimating an “economic cost” for each damaged group:

2 – Injuries – Mild to moderate outcomes.
For injuries we use the absolute excess lost worktime rates in 2022 (deviation from trend) to estimate the economic cost in terms of lost productivity. The deviation from trend in lost worktime rates from illness or injury was around 0.8% for 2022, which multiplied by the total amount of salaries and wages yields the lost productivity to the economy. This measure is conservative as it does not depict other forms of productivity loss such as tasks that were performed to a lower level due to loss of concentration or other neurological issues.
The direct economic cost from the rise in lost worktime rates is:
0.8% * $11.238 Tn = $89.9 Bn
This cost is could be ameliorated in the coming years, by treatment that address the impact of the Covid-19 inoculations and wider awareness to the problem.

3 – Disabilities – Severe outcome. For disabilities we use the absolute rise in disabilities since 2021, which was 0.93% for the 16-64 year-old Civilian Labor Force, to estimate the economic cost in terms of lost productivity. We then divide the obtained cost by 2 as we assume that, on average, each disabled individual is still capable of performing half a normal person’s work.
The direct economic cost from the rise in disabilities is:
0.93% * $11.238 Tn / 2 = $52.2 Bn
This cost is expected to be ongoing in the coming years, as these individuals are likely to have a permanent disability.

4 – Deaths – Extreme outcome. For deaths we use the average yearly absolute rise in excess deaths since 2021, which was 0.05% for the 25-64 year-old population, to estimate the economic cost in terms of lost productivity.
The direct economic cost from the rise in excess deaths is:
0.05% * $11.238 Tn = $5.6 Bn

Total “economic cost” for 2022: $147.8 Bn
The figure below summarises our findings.



  • The total estimated economic cost for 2022 due to vaccine damage is around $148 Bn.
  • For each group, the economic cost for 2022 was: $5.6 Bn due to excess deaths, $52.2 Bn due to loss of productivity due to excess disabilities, and $89.9 Bn due to excess lost worktime.
  • Milder damage is associated with larger economic cost, as it affects a larger portion of the population.
  • We need to monitor the longer-term impact of the vaccine damage as they amount to an important economic impact.


FOR THIS VITAL WORK, the group invites collaboration and encourages support:

Collaborate with us! → Join the Humanity Team


The Vaccine Damage Project has several aspects that require a large amount of effort and dedication from a team of unique individuals who contribute their precious time and skills to its fulfilment. There is a lot to do and we welcome individuals and/or institutions that would like to contribute to the project. We need:

  • Data architects/scientists to organise the data, create APIs and frontends for anyone to be able to access it freely.
  • Individuals from different scientific backgrounds to be involved in the different research projects, using their expertise to analyse the data and convert it to knowledge.
  • Individuals that have a knack at explaining the project, the data, the implications to a wider audience.
  • And much more.

Support our projects.
Work for Humanity

In “normal” times, projects such as these should be managed by regulatory agencies or academic institutions. However, funding conflicts of interest have led to regulatory capture.

As things stand, we felt the need to step in and take action, and need your support to expand our projects and maintain our current ones. We make it an essential priority to have independent sources of funding, as well as maximum transparency with respect to how your money is spent. Our ongoing projects and their outcomes will always be openly published on this site.


There is a great deal to study, learn, and amplify the work being implemented at PHINANCE TECHNOLOGIES. Please share this program with everyone you know, especially those able to collaborate AND support this life-affirming work.

In solidarity,
David Ratcliffe
Assistant Director
Museum of Hidden History
2915 North George Street, Suite 2,
York, PA 17406