The Unspeakable, The Unthinkable, and The Imperative to Increase Consciousness
Tyranny started with that idea of laying dogma on people and pulling everyone away from their own relationship to spirit. There is no greater purpose than to choose for ourselves the lens we adopt to view the world and our place in it.
Intentional killing. Legal frameworks for State-sponsored biochemical warfare.
Public health emergencies are pretexts for power consolidation and legalized mass murder using State-sponsored biochemical warfare and weapons camouflaged as ‘vaccines,’ ‘countermeasures.’
Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations authorized and funded coordinated USG attack using toxic biological and chemical material across state borders labelled as ‘Covid-19 vaccines.’
Technocracy Videodrome
A compilation of videos related to Neurowarfare, IoB, Synthetic Biology, Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, COGSEC, and so on
The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus
Political power needs cultural power to operate effectively. Cultural messaging is where the power elite need to seduce regular people that power is being exercised for their own good and everyone is in bed together. Soft power. Nice power.
Antidote to the Hubris of Greed While Living Under Domination
All of us are divine beings having the physical experience of wearing these human overcoats. Dogma has been put on everyone to take away the conscious awareness of our own divinity and put it in the hands of someone else.
Four Died Trying: A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins
This profound documentary will open your eyes to the parallel spiritual paths JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, Jr. & RFK walked and the similarity of their messages on peace, justice, racism, human rights, and the need for economic equality.
A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns
There is an abundance of easily available evidence for all the list of Known Knowns – nothing secret – but one needs to have the will for truth and do one’s homework.
Intro to the Jonestown Massacre Conspiracies of 1978
Jim Jones, Dan Mitrione, Mark Lane, Congressman Leo Ryan... Jonestown is a conspiracy that provides a roadmap of how special operations are executed.
22 years ago:
Graeme MacQueen on 11 Sep and Anthrax Attacks
Graeme MacQueen is the go-to author for books on the 11 Sep 2001 and Anthrax Attacks. He is posthumously featured in the new documentary Peace, War and 9/11, sharing his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war.
In Our Name: On Exercising Moral Conscience
Given US Cluster Munitions to Ukraine
Justification for the latest unconscionable Jaws-of-Hell-Weapons-to-Ukraine decision by exec branch, military, intel-media, congress, academia, think-tank talking head “experts” is 1 more cravenly lethal “policy” laying bare moral corruption of U.S.…
A Most Evil Weapon; A Most Heinous Crime
US is sending cluster munitions to Ukraine. It will be the most evil and heinous crime and is an act of people who have no care or concern for the lives and welfare of others.
Conflicting Perspectives Regarding Sacred and Significant Places of Original Nations and Traditional Healers
Our species must "transition to decision-making based on the Natural Laws of Creation that sustain all Life, which are the basis for our ceremonies."
Each of these assassinations are a false mystery. These leaders were killed by the powers-that-be because of what they were doing. They gave their lives working for a better world.
Revoke the Papal Bulls
A View-from-the-Shore Analysis of Vatican’s 30 Mar 2023 Statement on Doctrine of Discovery
The context begins with the free existence of our Native nations and peoples, extending back to the beginning of our time through our oral histories and traditions, contrasted with the system of domination that was carried by ship across the ocean…