By using Ukraine to fight Russia, the US provoked Putin’s war
Rather than end the proxy war that it helped start in Ukraine, the US has only fueled it over the last eight years with billions in weapons, a drive to incorporate Ukraine into NATO, an expansion of US offensive weapons around Russia, and a…
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard
US Sec. of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev…
Film: The Doctrine of Discovery
Unmasking The Domination Code
This documentary calls upon the Holy See at the Vatican to revoke the papal decrees that set into motion the Doctrine of Christian Domination, and points out that the values and teachings of Original Free Nations are a sacred path for all Life.
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone
JFK Revisited emphatically shows why JFK’s assassination is crucial for understanding the United States today. For without a clear and unambiguous accounting of why he was killed and by whom (I do not mean the actual shooters), and who in the…
500 Years of Injustice: The Legacy of Fifteenth Century Religious Prejudice
On spiritually significant steps toward creating a way of life that is no longer based on greed and subjugation and begins to create a lifestyle based on the first indigenous principle: "Respect the Earth and have a Sacred Regard for All Living…
President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination
To understand why and by whom he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, one needs to apprehend this pressure and the reasons why President Kennedy consistently resisted it, as well as the consequences of that resistance. It is a key to understanding…
U.S. Terrorism 101: The Bert Sacks Story
Thus did Kate Pflaumer, in an act of conscience and upholding her legal obligation as an attorney, call the U.S a terrorist state. This probably never would have happened without the non-violent hammer of Bert Sacks, who over the years has made nine…
U.S. wargames in Nordic region aimed at Moscow
The US & NATO are rapidly developing a military encirclement of Russia with heavy emphasis on the Nordic region - the High North. It is a Cuban-missile crisis in reverse. Few in the west know anything about it.
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty on The Pentagon Papers
“In this book, I have used various editions of the Pentagon Papers as reference material. They are useful and they are quite accurate as far as individual documents go, but they are dangerous in the hands of those who do not have the experience or…
Edward Curtin: An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies
In putting together this selection of essays, I was reminded of what Albert Camus once wrote: “A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his…
The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination
Robert Kennedy, like his brother John, was a great danger to those virulent forces of war and oppression within his own government, and he died opposing them as a true patriot. To honor him, we are obligated to pursue the truth of why he died and…
“We Charge Genocide” The 1951 Black Lives Matter Campaign
Almost seventy years ago, the Civil Rights Congress (affiliated with the Communist Party) engaged in a campaign to hold the United States accountable for genocide against African Americans. Detailed within are the 152 incidents that the Civil Rights…
Why Does Chris Hedges Hedge His Bets?
The following excerpt explores the question of how a contributing member of the New York Times staff that received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting and a vaunted journalist, writer, activist, and clergyman, has failed throughout his…
Oliver Stone on JFK and the Unspeakable, Russian Edition
JFK and the Unspeakable ... shows us just how much Kennedy achieved in his abbreviated presidency. And by doing that, the book reminds us of just what is possible in the realm of politics when a statesman has a vision of what the world can be.…
Trump and the Asia-Pacific: The Persistence of American Unilateralism
The alarming competition for military edge in the Asia-Pacific has become even more so under Trump owing to three developments from the US side: the deployment to South Korea of an anti-missile defense system, THAAD, that the Chinese think is aimed…