Invitation to Explore The Arms Race Within – A Meditation
Hitler won World War II. The Trident campaign's purpose is to change ourselves—all of us—so that there will no longer be anyone to run the submarine or fire the missile.
John Judge, Leading Change: A Transformational, Quiet Servant Leader
I found these assassinations to be Rosetta stones whose close inspection and study revealed the whole and made history comprehensible instead of confusing and disempowering.
Real Democracy in the Belly of the Beast
In order to have real democracy, economic justice, peace and a unified society, we have to both envision our own liberation in our time and take back our history, power and moral integrity
Antidote to the Hubris of Greed While Living Under Domination
All of us are divine beings having the physical experience of wearing these human overcoats. Dogma has been put on everyone to take away the conscious awareness of our own divinity and put it in the hands of someone else.
Conflicting Perspectives Regarding Sacred and Significant Places of Original Nations and Traditional Healers
Our species must "transition to decision-making based on the Natural Laws of Creation that sustain all Life, which are the basis for our ceremonies."
Revoke the Papal Bulls
A View-from-the-Shore Analysis of Vatican’s 30 Mar 2023 Statement on Doctrine of Discovery
The context begins with the free existence of our Native nations and peoples, extending back to the beginning of our time through our oral histories and traditions, contrasted with the system of domination that was carried by ship across the ocean…
Steven Newcomb:
Confronting the System of Christian Domination
We cannot as Original Nations and Peoples be on the ship coming toward our own ancestors in the way that history is taught. We have to understand ourselves as being on the shore looking out at that ship as it’s coming in.
Ending the Domination System
Steven Newcomb’s view-from-the-shore perspective provides the critical understanding of the history and legacy of the domination system that must end if the human project is to successfully evolve into our post-industrial-mind epoch.
The Dawn of Everything, A New History of Humanity
The story of a “necessary” human evolution from “barbaric tribes” to “civilized states” was produced by European writers to rationalize the great differences between their societies and the societies “discovered” in the “New……
Partners in Survival: Reviving the “McCloy-Zorin Agreement”
For the people of the United States to accept a world order without a hegemon means that the people of the United States would abandon the notion of “American exceptionalism”. But it is precisely an abandonment of this notion that is the essential…
Film: The Doctrine of Discovery
Unmasking The Domination Code
This documentary calls upon the Holy See at the Vatican to revoke the papal decrees that set into motion the Doctrine of Christian Domination, and points out that the values and teachings of Original Free Nations are a sacred path for all Life.
Edward Curtin: An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies
In putting together this selection of essays, I was reminded of what Albert Camus once wrote: “A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his…
My Earth Journey – A message for International Day for Biological Diversity, 22 May 2020
There is now an attempt to mine and pirate the data from our bodies and minds, without our permission and consent. Our humanity and autonomy are being stolen. We are being reduced to “users” of the “machines” which are extracting our humanity and…
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity 1992 and 2017 and beyond …
1992: “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment.”
Advocacy for Humanity and Citizen’s Diplomacy: Global Network Russia Study Tour Declaration
The astronomical disparity between U.S. and Russian military priorities—comparatively, Russia currently spends seven-point-five percent of what constitutes our total U.S. military budget—needs to be stated over and over and over again; repetition is…