John Judge 1991 to 2014 Video Archive Listing
Privilege is the first and most basic violence asserted in a society. It kills the human spirit. It creates the rage that leads to all the other violence, historically. So if you end that privilege, if you restore justice, then you restore hope.…
Invitation to Explore The Arms Race Within – A Meditation
Hitler won World War II. The Trident campaign's purpose is to change ourselves—all of us—so that there will no longer be anyone to run the submarine or fire the missile.
John Judge, Leading Change: A Transformational, Quiet Servant Leader
I found these assassinations to be Rosetta stones whose close inspection and study revealed the whole and made history comprehensible instead of confusing and disempowering.
Real Democracy in the Belly of the Beast
In order to have real democracy, economic justice, peace and a unified society, we have to both envision our own liberation in our time and take back our history, power and moral integrity
Partners in Survival: Reviving the “McCloy-Zorin Agreement”
For the people of the United States to accept a world order without a hegemon means that the people of the United States would abandon the notion of “American exceptionalism”. But it is precisely an abandonment of this notion that is the essential…
Edward Curtin: An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies
In putting together this selection of essays, I was reminded of what Albert Camus once wrote: “A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his…
Between the Devil and the Green New Deal
A revolution that had as its aim the flourishing of all human life would certainly mean immediate decarbonization, a rapid decrease in energy use for those in the industrialized global north, no more cement, very little steel, almost no air travel,…
“We Charge Genocide” The 1951 Black Lives Matter Campaign
Almost seventy years ago, the Civil Rights Congress (affiliated with the Communist Party) engaged in a campaign to hold the United States accountable for genocide against African Americans. Detailed within are the 152 incidents that the Civil Rights…
Advocacy for Humanity and Citizen’s Diplomacy: Global Network Russia Study Tour Declaration
The astronomical disparity between U.S. and Russian military priorities—comparatively, Russia currently spends seven-point-five percent of what constitutes our total U.S. military budget—needs to be stated over and over and over again; repetition is…
“… not merely peace for Americans…” Banning Nuclear Weapons and Retrieving the Legacy of President Kennedy’s Last Year
The murder of President Kennedy terminated the process of peace building with the so-called enemy because we, ordinary citizens, were not sufficiently aware and not sufficiently organized to demand that the pursuit of peace building and partnership…
Taxation With Representation
It is time we represent ourselves, and decide how to spend “our money”. Direct allocation of taxes will be a major first step in creating a real democracy here, because one function will be to fund the other necessary aspects of returning the making…
BREAKDOWN = Strange Fruit of Capitalism’s Invisible Army: A Heritage of Stone ++ BREAKTHRU = Shifting from Domination to Partnership via eXtinction Rebellion
We must rebel against willful U.S. criminal inaction on our ecological crisis threatening All Life on Earth. To change course away from mass extinction we can accelerate the shift from domination to partnership cultural evolution.
US Settler Colonialism and Its Inseparable Offspring, Attempted Genocide
The United States is a thoroughly militarized culture, all the more dangerous because we don’t know it.
June 10, 2017: 54 Years Ago Today A President Called for the End of the Cold War
The key to peace-making is recognizing the humanity of the enemy.
53 Years Ago – Review of JFK and the Unspeakable using The Karma of Untruthfulness
Kennedy’s turn towards peace and disarmament, after the near holocaust of the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 16 to 28 1962, led to his assassination.