This is a copy of the expanding collation of John Judge video recordings. (The permanent source is here). Some include partial or complete annotated hypertext transcripts and are indicated by the thumbnail immediately below their text segment. Unfortunately audio on some recordings is out-of-sync with the video track. Most recordings include mp3 file(s) where it was possible to make same. Work continues producing more transcriptions of these recordings. Please communicate with me through the Contact Form if you can help create more transcripts of John’s presentations. Creating text representations of the recordings increases their visibility (and accessibility) as text is the primary source search engines build their indexes from. An effective system has been established to make grammatically correct, readable hypertext files from audio recordings that reduces time required to generate these transcripts. Offers of help to further this work are most welcome.
Thank you for your interest and consideration to volunteer helping amplify the rich legacy of John’s devotion to serving Life’s needs here on Mother Earth. —Dave Ratcliffe, Assistant Director, Museum of Hidden History

- Conscientious Objector Status and How It’s Achieved (3:35 to 55:00)
C-SPAN, 24 May 1991 - Overview of History (OoH) / Judge For Yourself (JFY) (1:00:04 / 1:50:50)
Canada, September 1991 - JFK: Cinema as History excerpt (07:54)
American University, C-SPAN, 22 January 1992
- Deaths of Democracy (2:18:27)
San Luis Obispo, California, 27 February 1992 - The Mind of L. Fletcher Prouty (1:18:43)
Alexandria, Virginia, 1992 - Cults, Lies, and Videotape, (3:58:19)
Maui, Hawaii, 8 July 1993 - Who Really Runs America? The Hidden History of the United States (3:35:11)
Dallas, Texas, 1994 - Militarization of Police (2:03:28)
Philadelphi, Pennsylvania, 7 September 1995 - Are You Scared Yet? (3:57:51)
Santa Monica, California, 1996
- U.S. Wars & Military Recruitment (52:21)
Seattle, Washington, 22 January 2000 - Conversations with John Judge (2:52:59)
Seattle, Washington, 2 February 2002 - Informal Conversation About September 11 (1:18:01)
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 12 February 2002 - A Talk about September 11 (39:56)
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 12 February 2002 - September 11 Critical Analysis (1:33:51)
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 16 February 2002
- September 11 and Future Wars (2:10:49)
Oakland, California, 19 September 2002 - Unanswered Questions of September 11 and Aftermath (3:15:39)
Fall 2002 - September 11 Omission Report (24:53)
New York, 9 September 2004
- Historical Framework: Deep Politics & Covert Operations (14:29)
New York, 9 September 2004
- What the 9/11 Commission Didn’t Report (2:11:58)
Seattle, Washington, 21 February 2005
- Reaction to September 11 Commission Report (10:29)
C-SPAN, 22 July 2005 - On War and Its Human Costs to Veterans: C.H.O.I.C.E.S. (7:40)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 November 2011
- Political Assassinations & Their Relevance Today (1:42:44)
Washington DC, 11 April 2012 - Political Assassinations, Military Industry Complex and War (1:12:03)
Your World News, November 2012 - Coalition on Political Assassinations Closing Remarks (38:23)
Dallas, Texas, 24 November 2013 - Political Assassinations & Malcolm X, (19:44 to 37:44)
Univ. of DC David Clarke School of Law, 21 February 2014