Leaked: “Deadly” Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19: How the World’s Top Medical Journals, The Lancet and NEJM, Were Cynically Exploited by Big Pharma
The scientific process of building a trustworthy knowledge base is a foundation of our civilization. Its violation is a crime against truth and humanity. Evidently US media doesn't consider this extraordinary crime worth reporting.
Lancet Editor Spills the Beans and Britain’s PM Surrenders to the Gates Vaccine Cartel
Dr. Douste-Blazy started a petition that has been signed by almost 500,000 French doctors and citizens urging French government officials to permit physicians to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients early, before they require…
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement
There is no more powerful position than being a health official because you can literally dictate. At this point, Tony Fauci has powers that no American president has ever had.
The Zyprexa Papers: Big Pharma Meets Big Diagnosis, Big Courts, and Big Psychiatric Hospitals
This book chronicles the battles on behalf of Bill Bigley, the psychiatric patient whose ordeal by Eli Lilly's product made possible the exposure of the Zyprexa Papers
Moral Courage and Our Common Future—A Foreword to Plague of Corruption
By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. The quality of her work and her reliable flashes of genius soon propelled her to the apex of the male-dominated world of scientific research.
Operation Openscript – Opening the Dialogue for Oversight on Bioethics and Bioterrorism
Watchdog on Biodefense, bioterrorism, bioethics, genetic engineering and biotechnology, science, and medical malfeaseance. The Story of Dirty Profit, Inhumane Weapons Development, Science & Medical Fraud, and Illegal Testing on the Population...
Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times
Hitler was strongly influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution and by Americans who were promoting eugenics. He closely followed the teachings of university professors in the United States who were teaching eugenics and using the principles of…
Eugenics in the United States Today: Are We on the Same Path Nazi Germany Followed?
This is the first part of a two part series exploring the relationship between the controversial eugenics movement of the past and modern genetics.
The haunted house of eugenics – An interview with Edwin Black
Rockefeller spent a great deal of money financing Nazi scientists and eugenic institutions in Germany, among them Otmar Freiherr von Vershuer. Vershuer sent his assistant, whose name was Joseph Mengele, into Auschwitz to finish the program…